
Our Values

We value God, that He is Holy, so He is worthy of all our worship and devotion. He deserves our very best and nothing less. The highest expression of worship is humble obedience.

We value God’s love, that He created us for Himself and desires all people to enjoy a loving and eternal relationship with Him. All people matter to God.

We value God’s Word, that God in love has revealed Himself to us in His Son, Jesus Christ, through His Word the Bible and through His Holy Spirit that we may know Him and live for Him.

We value God’s people, the Church. That every believer has the potential to be transformed in love into the image of Christ in the world. 

That the Church is the primary community through which God’s love is perfected in human relationships through service. Relationships matter to God.

We value the human community. That the church, individual and corporate, have a divine mandate to bring God’s redemptive love to their community and their world through acts of compassion and evangelism.